Every morning I set my alarm for 6:30 and I end up pushing snooze until 7:00, I can't help it, I'm addicted. My number one new years resolution this year was to not use snooze...it worked for one day and the next morning I went right back to it. I feel like I have tried everything I can think of.

I tried setting my alarm for 6:00 but I still ended up sleeping till 7:00. I moved my alarm clock across the room so I have to get out of bed to turn it off, but then I didn't wake up at all because I couldn't hear the buzzer. I even went to bed at 8:30 one night last week but it didn't seem to make a difference in the morning. I need help, does anyone have some advice for a desperate snooze addict?
have you tried waking up to the radio...if they are talking about something interesting or if there's a good song on, it usually wakes you up better than an annoying buzzer...
I don't know about the radio idea... If I use the radio, the song usually just incorporates itself into my dreams and I never wake up.
The snooze button is such a downhill spiral. First it's 10 minutes, then 20, next thing you know your snoozing for an hour! You better stop now while you can!
I suggest setting your alarm for 7, the latest you can possibly wake up, hten you have to get out of bed and get ready. Once you stop the snoozing, you can set it for a little earlier.
put your alarm at the other side of the room and set it for the minute you HAVE to wake up. Once you are out of the cycle of snooze then you can put it closer to the bed. I NEVER press the snooze button anymore! I am a recovering snooze user....
I do have to admit that I am a snooze user...its at 30 min right now but I can feel it creeping up. I should try some of these techniques.
here's my advice:
the best way to get rid of the temptation to push the snooze button is to give in to it. so push it. many times.
good luck.
Hey, I know some people, Liz, for example, who had three alarm clocks. She had one with an extra loud alarm that she put the furthest away from the bed. They were set to go off five minutes from each other. It still did not always work. I, myself, have never learned to use the snooze. I do not even know which button it is.
i was going to say, put it across the room, but chelsea already said that.. for me, i press it once, but i am up before it rings anyway, and i dont need to get up until 5 min after it goes.. good luck with it
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