Sunday, April 15, 2007


Three Things I'm Afraid of:
1. Vancouver falling into the ocean
2. Balloons
3. Cockroaches

Three People Who Make Me Laugh:
1. My Oma
2. Chelsea
3. Pandora

Three Things I Love:
1. Summer
2. Walks
3. Change

Three Things I Hate:
1. Winter
2. Milk
3. When my car doesn't start

Three Things I don't Understand:
1. How airplanes work
2. The idea that God has always been around
3. Life

Three Things on my Desk:
1. I don't have a desk...

Three Things I'm doing right now:
1. Thinking about my poor car that is stranded in the shoppers drug mart parking lot
2. Watching Vancouver and Dallas in OT
3. Using the dristan that I just purchased from shoppers drug mart

Three Things I Want To Do Before I Die:
1. Run a Marathon
2. Go on a Safari and climb Kilimanjaro
3. Live in a different city

Three Things I Can Do:
1. Make a killer taco
2. My personal trainer said I would be able to pass the police fitness test
3. Clean

Three Things I Can't Do:
1. Tell a convincing lie
2. Spell
3. Wake up when my alarm goes off (refer to earlier post)

Three Things I Think You Should Listen To:
1. Rufus Wainwright
2. Canadian Cancer Society’s Sun Protection Guidelines
3. Your car when it makes strange noises, if you don't one day it just might decide not to start

Three Things You Should Never Listen To:
1. The long term weather forecast
2. Rap
3. People who are jealous of you

Three Things I'd Like To Learn:
1. Furniture upholstery
2. Patience
3. Carpentry skills

Three Favorite Foods:
1. Tacos
2. Candy
3. Yogurt

Three Shows I watched as a kid:
1. Road to avonlea
2. Full house
3. Teddy Rupskin

Three People I'd Like to tag to do this post on their blog:
1. Karen
2. Leanne
3. Amy

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Work Place High Jinks

The other day at work I was feeling a bit restless so I played a little joke on my co worker Erika. I pulled out a stunt I used to use in high school, twisting up an elastic band really tight and then letting it go in someone's hair so it gets really tangled and knotted. I guess I must have made it a little to tight because she was forced to cut it out and then swore revenge on me. For the next few days I was a little on edge waiting for something bad to happen but nothing came of it so I just thought she was all talk. Then on friday morning I was asked to run to Costco to pick up lunch for that day, and when I went out side to my car this is what I saw...

They really pulled one over one me, I had no idea, I'm trying to think of something to get her back, but good pranks are hard to come up with.