I know I've already been home from my trip for a few days but I thought some people might be interested in hearing a little about it. For those of you who don't know I recently spent a week in Grand Rapids visiting my good friend Meghan Mast who goes to school at Calvin College. I spent some time with Meg at her school, going to some classes with her, hanging out at some of her favorite spots around town and getting to know her friends

(here I am with her good friends Sherri and Eddie). However I have to say the highlight of the trip was spending the weekend in Chicago. It was quite a bit different than I expected it to be, it was VERY dirty (I almost stepped on a drug needle on the sidewalk), but very cool. We went to the art institute which had some amazing exhibits and rad paintings, including American Gothic, it was really neat to see in person.

We did some shopping on Michigan avenue where I got some of my Christmas shopping done. But I think the coolest thing that we saw while in Chicago was the Oprah building, it was pretty exciting to be at the spot where the Oprah Winfrey show is made. Hopefully one day I'll have the opportunity to actually get inside and see a show.
Joc, I'd just like to say "my condolences on your entering the blogging world. You don't know what you've gotten yourself into. You'll be up till all hours trying to get your blogging fix. Just gimme a call if you need some help, cuz I know how to deal with a full time blogger."
eric dont overreact! I don't think I spend too much time on the computer, and now look how much we can all learn about each other? Its wonderful.
Thanks for the support eric, I'll keep that in mind.
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