Three Things I'm Afraid of:
1. Vancouver falling into the ocean
2. Balloons
3. Cockroaches
Three People Who Make Me Laugh:
1. My Oma
2. Chelsea
3. Pandora
Three Things I Love:
1. Summer
2. Walks
3. Change
Three Things I Hate:
1. Winter
2. Milk
3. When my car doesn't start
Three Things I don't Understand:
1. How airplanes work
2. The idea that God has always been around
3. Life
Three Things on my Desk:
1. I don't have a desk...
Three Things I'm doing right now:
1. Thinking about my poor car that is stranded in the shoppers drug mart parking lot
2. Watching Vancouver and Dallas in OT
3. Using the dristan that I just purchased from shoppers drug mart
Three Things I Want To Do Before I Die:
1. Run a Marathon
2. Go on a Safari and climb Kilimanjaro
3. Live in a different city
Three Things I Can Do:
1. Make a killer taco
2. My personal trainer said I would be able to pass the police fitness test
3. Clean
Three Things I Can't Do:
1. Tell a convincing lie
2. Spell
3. Wake up when my alarm goes off (refer to earlier post)
Three Things I Think You Should Listen To:
1. Rufus Wainwright
2. Canadian Cancer Society’s Sun Protection Guidelines
3. Your car when it makes strange noises, if you don't one day it just might decide not to start
Three Things You Should Never Listen To:
1. The long term weather forecast
2. Rap
3. People who are jealous of you
Three Things I'd Like To Learn:
1. Furniture upholstery
2. Patience
3. Carpentry skills
Three Favorite Foods:
1. Tacos
2. Candy
3. Yogurt
Three Shows I watched as a kid:
1. Road to avonlea
2. Full house
3. Teddy Rupskin
Three People I'd Like to tag to do this post on their blog:
1. Karen
2. Leanne
3. Amy
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Work Place High Jinks
The other day at work I was feeling a bit restless so I played a little joke on my co worker Erika. I pulled out a stunt I used to use in high school, twisting up an elastic band really tight and then letting it go in someone's hair so it gets really tangled and knotted. I guess I must have made it a little to tight because she was forced to cut it out and then swore revenge on me. For the next few days I was a little on edge waiting for something bad to happen but nothing came of it so I just thought she was all talk. Then on friday morning I was asked to run to Costco to pick up lunch for that day, and when I went out side to my car this is what I saw...

They really pulled one over one me, I had no idea, I'm trying to think of something to get her back, but good pranks are hard to come up with.

They really pulled one over one me, I had no idea, I'm trying to think of something to get her back, but good pranks are hard to come up with.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Edmonton's Biggest Snowman?

I few weeks ago I came across something pretty amazing. It's what I believe to be the largest snowman in Edmonton, it was so increadable I needed to share it with someone, so I took my friend chelsea and she posed with him. It's not really that interesting of a story but the pictures are pretty impresive.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007
fat tuesday

The candy on the other hand will be a challenge on a whole other level, I love candy. My candy of choice...sour gummies, namely jolly rancher screamin' sours. I usually have at least on bag a week, they're just so good, my mouth is watering just thinking about them now, I haven't really come up with a strategy on how I'm going to go a whole month with out them, or any candy for that matter I guess just take it one day at a time...after all Jesus went for 40 days without any food so I'm pretty sure I can go without candy for that long.
Is anyone else giving something up? Or have you in the past?
Sunday, January 14, 2007
The snooze button

Every morning I set my alarm for 6:30 and I end up pushing snooze until 7:00, I can't help it, I'm addicted. My number one new years resolution this year was to not use worked for one day and the next morning I went right back to it. I feel like I have tried everything I can think of.

Saturday, December 16, 2006
Festivus cancelled due to bad weather

Every year around Christmas my best friend Chelsea and I celebrate festivus. We usually go and see a movie and then go out for dinner, or something to that effect. This year we had big plans for festivus, we were going to take it on the road! The idea was to go to Calgary for the weekend, do some shopping, see the mountains and maybe go out for a night on the town. However this did not happen due to the horrible road conditions on highway 2, we were stuck in Edmonton.

I can't stand how much control winter has over our lives, it's ridiculous. Here are the top 5 things I hate about winter...
1. I am always cold! I'm convinced my core body temperature drops drastically in september and doesn't raise back up again until may.
2. My hair gets extremely staticky and is constantly sticking to my face.
3. I hardly ever see sunlight, I leave home in the morning when it's dark and get off work when the sun has already gone down.
4. I usually have a cold throughout the whole season (i've been on antibiotics twice so far this year).
5. I can't remember or even imagine what summer is like.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
I'm so frustrated...

So I brought my car into the mechanic yeasterday. There were two things wrong with it. The first was my left rear signal light stopped stopped working about 7 months ago and this is the 4th time I have brought it in to be fixed, everytime it breaks again the next day. The second problem was with my pasanger seat, it some how managed to become stuck all the way forward so that who ever sits in it has thier knees in their chin (by the way, this same problem happend about a year ago as well). So I go to pick up my car tonight after work and I see that nothing has been done to fix the seat! They messed around with the driver seat, moving it all the way back and reclining it completly but the one right next to it that is jammed all the way up to the glove box was not touched...JEEZE! I'm just waiting for my signal light to give out again tomorrow. Are all mechainics this useless or is it just mine?
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